BoxerTUFF Pet Products is a small, family run company in the beautiful Niagara region of Ontario, Canada. All of our products are hand crafted using all natural, organic or pesticide free, highly sustainable products. Our family has a passion for animals and currently consists of 3 Boxers, Tyson, Mya and Sophie, Ariel the Cat and Kiwi the Conure Parrot. In the past we have had 3 Doberman Pinschers, 2 other cats, an African Grey Parrot, and freshwater and saltwater aquariums.
We have had rescued pets and they have been wonderful additions to our family. Unfortunately, we cannot rescue as many pets as we'd like, but we can have a positive impact on the amazing, non-profit resue shelters that try to help as many pets as possible.
We got an idea one day not long ago to come up with the Rescue Rope. The thought behind the Rescue Rope was to donate at least 10% of all proceeds to local, non-profit rescue shelters. We will both bring awareness to these shelters, as well as financial support on a monthly basis. We intend to rotate shelters on a regular basis to bring awareness and support to as many as possible.
We will announce and promote the current featured shelter on our Facebook page.
Thank you for your support and please feel free to contact us if you have any questions, or to have your shelter featured.